Your privacy as an individual or couple is as important to me as it is to you. All clients and prospective clients are kept strictly confidential as is the content discussed in your sex life coaching sessions.
I no longer make or save notes of my sessions and client information as an added security measure.
All contracts and written client notes are stored in an encrypted file format with password protection on a single computer. My cell phone is also password encrypted so that your contact info is safe, and I use Blackberry Protect software to ensure data is destroyed if the phone is lost.
VIPs and everyone else can rest assured that I stand by my word and am ready to make any reasonable additional arrangements necessary to keep your identity and personal information secure.
Client success stories and client submissions that are covered in my blog have all names and identifying characteristics changed, and are published only with the express written consent of the client. Lastly, if a client or prospective client informs me of heinous illegal activities they perpetrated or are planning, I am legally bound to report them to the proper authorities.
Feel free to contact me with any additional questions or concerns.
-Eric Amaranth